Thursday, December 07, 2006

Final for English 102

Hey there English fans. It's time once again for everybody's favorite: Christmas / Kwanza / Ramadan / Winter Solstice / Hanakah / Whatever the hell you're into Break. But first: Finals!

For the English 102 final, you have a choice. You can either go to the following web cite:

or a web site of your own choosing. Once there you are to review the article, and then you will write an essay that answers the following questions:

1. Is this a reliable article, or could it be? Your answer should not be based on whether or not you accept the existence, or even the possibility of the existence, of ghosts. Rather, it should be based on whether or not it presents the information in a reliable format as discussed in class. You will need to give specific examples from the article (or the web page in general) to back your conclusions.

2. How do you know if it is or isn't reliable? In other words, what led you to doubt or accept its authenticity? Once again, you need specific examples.

3. Either way, what information do you need to know that it is indeed true? In other words, what specific questions would you need to have answered to believe or disbelieve the article?

If you choose a site of your own, all the above still holds true, except, of course, you're proving something other than ghosts, unless you're going to a site that also deals in ghosts, which would be a bit weird, don't you think? Maybe you could find a site on coincidences...

Important stuff to remember:

Your paper needs to be written in an essay format, with proper grammar and all that stuff. In addition, you must cite your source in correct format. That information is archived at this site and is also available in the handbook.

Your paper will be as long as it needs to be...hopefully.

Your papers can be submitted on line or in class, but all papers must be turned in no later than Sunday, December 17th, by noon to my email addresses (if not in person before then).

Those addresses are:

or you can leave it below at the message site. However, the message option is not a secure site and may be viewed by anybody. And there are some pretty odd folk that read these sites.

If you have any questions, contact me!

See ya!